Objective: To clone and express human Polo-like kinase-l(Plkl) gene in 293 cell lines, and study its effect on the expression of non-receptor tyrosine kinase c-Abl. Methods: Plkl gene was amplified by PCR, and then inserted into eukaryotic expression vector pcDNA3-Flag and pCMV-Mye respectively. Those recombinant expression plasmids were transiently transfected into 293 cell lines, and the expression of Plkl was identified by Western blotting. Different tagged Plkl and c-Abl were cotransfected into 293 cells to identify the role of Plkl on the expression of c-Abl kinase. Results: The Flag-Plkl and Myc-Plkl eukaryotic expression plasmids were constructed, and expressed in 293 cell lines with the molecular weight of 68 kD. The expression of c-Abl reduced significantly when contrandfected with tagged Plkl or c-Abl plasmids into 293 cells. Conclusion: Flag-Plkl and Myc-Plkl have been expressed in 293 cells, and it was found that Plkl can inhibit expression of c-Abl.
Letters in Biotechnology