

Pathological changes and clinical application standards of brain-death donor lung
摘要 背景:有学者认为在脑死亡过程中很多因素可导致肺组织的改变。目的:观察脑死亡供体肺病理改变,探讨其临床移植应用的可行性。方法:对23例脑死亡供体肺进行了病理活检,苏木精-伊红染色、银染及PAS染色观察肺脏组织变化,电镜观察肺脏超微结构变化。结果与结论:苏木精-伊红、银染及PAS染色光镜下见支气管及肺泡结构尚完整,局部病灶见肺泡内皮细胞水肿、坏死、脱落,肺泡间隔未见明显增宽,但充血易见,血管周围有少量出血,有散在淋巴细胞;电镜下脑死亡的肺泡细胞轻微水肿,部分细胞胞核染色质沿皱缩的核膜下凝聚,有的细胞核出现变型,细胞线粒体肿胀,但未见明显坏死。说明脑死亡供肺可以实施临床移植。 BACKGROUND: Some scholars believe that many factors can lead to pathological changes of the lung in the process of brain-death OBJECTIVE: To observe the pathological changes of brain-death donor lung, and to investigate the feasibility of its clinical trAnsnlantation.METHODS: Twenty-three cases of brain-death donor lung received pathological biopsy, and hematoxylin-eosin staining, silver staining and PAS staining were used to observe the pathological changes of lung, and the microstructure of lung tissues was observed under electron microscope. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Under the light microscope, bronchial and alveolar structure was complete, and edema, necrosis and defluxion could be observed in part of epithelial cells by hematoxylin-eosin staining, silver staining and PAS staining; alveolar interval was not widened obviously, but hyperemia was visible; small amount of bleeding and scattered lymphocytes could be seen around the vessels. Under the electron microscope, the slightly edema were observed in the brain-death alveolar cells, the cell nuclear chromatin condensed along the caryotheca, some nucleus appeared abnormity, mitochondria were engorgement, but no cell necrosis could be observed. Brain-death donor lung is suitable for clinicat transplantation.
出处 《中国组织工程研究》 CAS CSCD 2013年第18期3283-3286,共4页 Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research
基金 广西科技厅自然科学基金资助(桂科自0991288)~~
关键词 器官移植 器官移植基础实验 脑死亡 肺移植 供体 省级基金 organ transplantation basic experiment in organ transplantation brain death lung transplantation donor provincial grants-supported paper
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