Objective To analyze the MRI manifestations of several rare types of meningioma and to discuss the correlation between MRI findings and pathology of these tumors. Methods Clinical and MRI data of ten cases of meningioma, including the microcystic type, transparent cell type and hemangioma type, which were confirmed by pathology, were ret- rospectively analyzed in this work. All of ten patients underwent plain and contrast-enhanced MRI scan. Results Of these 10 cases, 5 were originated from the cerebral hemisphere pits, 1 from the former cranial fossa olfactory groove case, 2 from the superior sagittal sinus side and 2 from the falx cerebri side. 8 cases were shown clear contour of tumor, with lim- ited boundary and the adjacent skull appeared wide base alteration. The other 2 cases were shown unclear contour of tumor, with unlimited boundary. 8 cases apeared mild edema zone around the tumors, 1 case presented with obvious ede- ma, and and 1 case without obvious edema. In 6 cases of microcapsule type of meningiomas, plain MRI exhibited a long T1 and long T2 signal and the mesh shape apperred after reinforcement. In 2 cases of transparent cell type of meningioma, plain MRI showed the long T1 and long Tz signal, which was similar to the cerebrospinal fluid signal, close, and the en- hanced MRI showed unevenly annular strengthening. In 2 cases of hemangioma type of meningioma, plain MRI showed a bit long T1 and long T2 and tumors presented with visible empty vessel signal, the enhanced MRI showed obviously enhancement. Conclusion MRI manifestations and pathological changes are significantly correlated among the microcapsule type, transparent cell type, hemangioma type of meningioma.
Journal of Medical Imaging