
国际反洗钱形势的新变化及对我国反洗钱工作的战略思考 被引量:15

New Changes in the Situation of International Anti-money Laundering and Strategic Thinking on China’s Anti-money Laundering
摘要 近年来,受政治、经济、军事多重因素影响,反洗钱覆盖领域逐渐扩大,政治化倾向明显,美国反洗钱的严厉监管对国际金融业产生了深远影响。按照风险为本的思路,提高反洗钱的有效性成为国际共识。不断变化的国际反洗钱形势对我国的反洗钱工作提出了新的挑战,我们要以维护国家利益为核心,准确定位反洗钱工作,加强国际合作,争取更多的话语权,借助国际反洗钱体系,维护我国国家安全,进一步完善反洗钱工作机制,增强洗钱风险防范能力。 In recent years, affected by multiple factors such as politics, economics and military affairs, the areas covered by AML is gradually expanding. Its political tendency is more and more obvious. And US' s strict supervision of AML has a profound influence on international finance. Under these circumstances, using risk-based AML methods to improve the effectiveness of AML has become an international consensus. The changing international situation of AML poses a new challenge to us now, so we must take the protection of national interest as the core task, correctly position AML, strengthen international cooperation, and strive for more discourse. With the help of international AML system, we can safeguard our national security, to prevent the risk of money launderinm further improve the AML mechanism, and enhance the ability
作者 李建文
出处 《金融发展研究》 2013年第5期3-7,共5页 Journal Of Financial Development Research
关键词 反洗钱 反恐怖融资 反扩散融资 国际形势 战略思考 anti-money laundering, anti-terrorism financing, combating the financing of proliferation, intema-tional situation, strategic thinking
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