

Mechanism to Enhance Absorption Capacity of Global Manufacturing Enterprise: From Process Perspective
摘要 对于融入全球制造网络的本土企业而言,企业利用外部信息的重要性已逐渐被学界所重视。本文延承Zahra&George将吸收能力划分为潜在与现实吸收能力的思路,构建了企业网络特征、内部知识整合机制对企业吸收能力提升影响的理论模型,并以218家制造企业为样本进行实证研究。结果表明:网络位置中心度及网络规模对企业潜在吸收能力有显著正向影响,但网络联结强度对于企业潜在吸收能力的正向影响不显著,创新网络要求对现实吸收能力的影响是通过潜在吸收能力的中介作用而发生的,此外,合作化知识整合机制在潜在吸收能力与现实吸收能力之间起着正向调节作用。研究结论对企业网络化创新理论提供了有益补充,并对本土企业组织学习实践有一定的参与价值。 For local enterprises integrated into the global manufacturing network, the importance of using external information has been increasingly valued by scholars. This paper proposes and tests a model of inter-firm network effect on the firm's absorptive capacity. Using data of manufacturing firms, the results indicate that the network centrality and size of network have significant positive effects on potential absorptive capacity of enterprises, and that the strength of network ties is no significant positive impact potential absorptive capacity of the enterprise. The empirical results suggest that the potential absorptive capacity has mediating effects on the relationships between firm network and firm's realized absorptive capacity. In addition, coordination knowledge integration mechanism has moderation effects on the relationships between firm's potential absorptive capacity and realized absorptive capacity.
作者 范志刚 杜健
出处 《西安电子科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2013年第3期8-13,共6页 Journal of Xidian University:Social Science Edition
基金 浙江省自然科学基金(LQ12G02015) 浙江省哲学社会科学规划项目(12JCGL10YB) 浙江省"决策科学与创新管理"人文社科重点研究基地项目(2012JD32) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目
关键词 企业网络 潜在吸收能力 现实吸收能力 知识整合机制 Enterprise network Potential absorptive capacity Realized absorptive capacity Knowledgeintegration mechanism
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