
成人教育学的争论及意义 被引量:3

Debate and Significance of Andragogy
摘要 在构建终身教育体系和学习型社会的背景下,成人教育学日益成为一个重要的学科或研究领域。然而,在我国作为一个学科或研究领域的成人教育学还没有引起人们的足够重视。本研究围绕成人教育学的基本假设、概念和命题的争论展开深入研究,有助于人们进一步认识和了解成人教育学极不平凡的发展历史和特殊使命。20世纪70年代以来,世界范围内围绕成人教育学旷日持久的争论的重要意义在于,它不仅丰富了成人教育学的内涵,促进了成人教育的发展,而且引发了人类教育史上的又一次革命。对于中国的成人教育工作者而言,至少我们应该知道:今天再也不能简单地以儿童教育学的方法来处置有关成人的教与学的问题了。 In the context of constructing lifelong education system and learning society, adult education has become an increasingly important discipline or research area. However, Adult education has not attracted enough attention yet in China academia. Literature review, comparison study and theoretical research method used for in-depth study of basic assumptions, concepts and propositions of adult education can help people to further know and understand the extraordinary development history and special mission of adult education. The debate of adult and continuing education since 1970s has not only enriched its connotation, promoted its development, but also initiated another revolution of human education. In short, as one of researchers of adult education in China, we can no longer simply deal the problems of adults learning with the methods of teaching children today.
作者 何光全
出处 《开放教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期63-70,共8页 Open Education Research
基金 教育部人文社会科学规划基金项目"我国成人学习状况调查研究"(11YJA880029)成果之一
关键词 成人教育学 争论 发展 意义 andragogy debate development significance
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