
东亚军事同盟与区域合作之关系——一种机制视角的分析 被引量:5

The Relationship between Alliance and Regional Cooperation in East Asia:A Regime Analysis
摘要 军事同盟是东亚区域合作构建迟缓的症结所在。但共存一域的两种机制——军事同盟和东亚区域合作,其各自的地缘政治特征存在冲突。军事同盟的地缘政治逻辑强调以邻为壑,而区域合作的地缘政治逻辑强调以邻为伴;东亚军事同盟具有双边-非对称性结构特征,强调同盟内部观念的同一性及同盟与他者的差异性,而区域合作是一种多边结构的构建,强调观念的包容性。双边同盟很难汇聚多边利益,而双边-非对称性的同盟结构,使次级同盟成员处于绝对劣势,在增强其对主导盟国的依赖度的同时也减少了其政策选择度。军事同盟与区域合作构建均具有谋求利益与安全的功能。但军事同盟强调现实的、短暂的安全利益,以军事合作为特征。区域合作则兼顾现实和未来的中长期利益,以全面合作为特征。军事同盟提供的安全产品的受众是参与同盟的国家,区域合作提供的安全产品的受众是本区域的全体成员。 Alliance is the crux of the slow progress in constructing East Asian regional cooperation.Alliance is a special regime,and regional cooperation is also a construction of regime.However,the geopolitical characteristics of the two kinds of regimes are conflicting when existing in the same region.In terms of structural characteristics,East Asian alliance is bilateral which emphasizes internal identity and differences with non-members,while regional cooperation is multilateral and more inclusive.Although both regimes have the function of providing interest and security,alliance focuses on reality and short term interest by military cooperation,regional cooperation emphasizes on reality and long term interest,characterized by cooperation in all aspects.The beneficiaries of security goods provided by alliance and regional cooperation are different,the former is members of alliance,while the latter is the whole region.
出处 《国际安全研究》 2013年第3期116-126,159,共11页 Journal of International Security Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目(12BGJ010) 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(12JJD810025) (10JJDGJW005) 中国博士后科学基金(20100481066) (2012T50261) 吉林大学基本科研业务费资助项目(450060444232)的系列研究成果
关键词 军事同盟 东亚区域合作 机制 结构 功能 alliance,EastAsian regional cooperation,regime,structure,function
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