
双语词汇表征类型及其翻译通达(方向/质量)效应研究——一项基于不同二语水平的实证调查 被引量:5

Bilingual Lexical Representation Type and Its Effect on Translation Access in Terms of Translation Direction & Quality — An Empirical Study Based on Different L2 Proficiency Levels
摘要 本文旨在探索中国不同水平二语者的双语词汇表征类型及其对翻译词汇通达的影响效应。为此,研究者设计了两项实验并根据其数据归纳出以下结论:(1)双语间的联系类型和联系强度有赖于双语者的二语水平:低水平二语者倾向词汇联结型,高水平二语者倾向概念调节表征型;(2)双语词汇心理表征呈现出不断发展的"连续体"状态:低二语水平者则靠近"连续体"的始端位置,高水平二语者趋向"连续体"的终端位置;(3)双语词汇表征类型的词语翻译通达效应主要表现为对基于不同翻译方向的翻译质量的显著影响;(4)不同翻译方向上所呈现的速度和准确度的非对称性诠释了层级修正模型词名和概念之"联系"和"发展"的具体内涵。 This paper aims at exploring the bilingual lexical representation type in Chinese EFL learners and its effect on their lexical translation in terms of direction and quality. To reach this orientation, the authors designed an empirical study with the Revised Hierarchical Model (RHM) as its theoretical framework and two research questions intended to be answered. Results and findings related to the two variables of representation type and its effect on translation were acquired and key conclusions drawn thereupon were as follows: (1) bilingual learners of low L2 proficiency-level tended to be of lexical- connected representation type while those of high L2 proficiency-level to be of concept-mediated representation type; (2) in terms of "continuum" theory, low L2 proficiency-level learners appeared to be located close to the initial position of the Continuum while its counterparts close to the end position of the continuum; (3) significant effect of different representation types on translation fluency (or reaction time) and accuracy took place when two different directions were involved; and (4) asymmetry found in different translation directions in terms of fluency and accuracy across different L2 proficiency-level learners help explain the "connection" and "development" between word symbol and its concept embodied in RHM model.
出处 《中国外语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期34-41,共8页 Foreign Languages in China
基金 国家哲学社会科学基金资助项目(批准号:08BYY071) 浙江省教育厅科研项目(Y201017352)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 双语表征类型 层级修正模型 词语翻译通达 方向 质量效应 bilingual lexical representation revised hierarchical model lexical translation access effect in directions & on quality
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