
与东方的对话:论多丽丝·莱辛对苏非主义的跨文化接受 被引量:1

A Dialogue with the East: On Doris Lessing's Acceptance of Sufism
摘要 莱辛在当代西方所接受的苏非主义是古老东方宗教哲学在现代社会的进一步发展和演变,它跨越了东西方地域和文化的界线。在作品中莱辛始终把苏非思想作为自己突破思想桎梏的手段和媒介,东方的感悟和西方的理性在她的作品中互相渗透合而为一。莱辛对以苏非主义为代表的东方文化和思想的接受和提倡,是一个西方知识分子与东方进行的对话。在平等而开放的对话中,莱辛试图让西方人能用"他者的眼睛"来重新审视自我和反思西方狭隘保守的文化观,让不同时期、不同地域、不同民族的文化互相交流补充共同发展。这种强调多元之美的文化观正是当今世界发展所需要的,是莱辛与苏非主义关系研究中不可忽视的维度。 In the contemporary western society, Doris Lessing has accepted Sufism,which is in essence a further development of the ancient oriental religion and philosophy across the border between the East and the West. In her novels of different phases, Lessing has absorbed the thoughts and wisdom of Sufism and com- bined the eastern intuition and understanding with the western logic and reason. For Lessing, Sufism is always an inspiring and advancing way of thinking. Lessing's acceptance of Sufism is her dialogue with the East as an intellectual in the West. In an open and equal dialogue,Lessing tries to make the westerners reflect upon the western arrogance and narrowness of their cultural conceptions with" the other eye". Her emphasis on the communication and complementarity between different cultures and civilizations is essential to the muhicul- rural development in the world today.
作者 夏琼
出处 《浙江外国语学院学报》 2013年第1期82-89,共8页 Journal of Zhejiang International Studies University
基金 杭州市哲学社会科学规划课题研究(D12WX04)
关键词 多丽丝·莱辛 苏非主义 东方 西方 对话 Doris Lessing Sufism the East the West dialogue
  • 相关文献


  • 1Lessing D. A Book That Changed Me [ M ]. Time Bites: Views and Reviews. New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 2004:213.
  • 2Shah I. The Way of the Sufi[ klJ. London:Penguin Books Ltd, 1968.
  • 3Lessing D, Knowing How to Know:A Practical Philosophy in the Sufi Tradition[ M ]//Time Bites:Views and Reviews, New York : Harper Collins Publishers ,2004:228.
  • 4Lessing D. In the World, Not of It[ M ]//A Small Personal Voice. New York:Vintage Books of Random House, 1974.
  • 5Lessing D. Introduetion by Doris Lessing:Learning how to learn[ C ]//Shah I, Psychology and Spirituality in the Sufi Way. London : Penguin Books Ltd, 1981.
  • 6Lessing D. Prisons We Choose to Live Inside[ M ]. New York:Harper & Row Publishers, 1987.
  • 7Galin M. Between East and West: Sufism in the Novels of Doris Lessing[ M ]. New York: State University of New York Press, 1997:64.
  • 8Shah I. The Sufis[ M ]. New York : Anchor Books of Random House, INC, 1964.
  • 9Lessing D. The Summer before the Dark[ M ]. Middlesex:Penguin Books Ltd, 1982:230.
  • 10Lessing D. Love, again [ M ]. New York : HarperCollins Publishers, 1996:218-220.











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