
滨水空间景观的生态改造——以水城河景观规划改造项目为例 被引量:2

The Eco-renovation of Waterfront landscape–A Riverine Landscape Design and Planning in Shuicheng (PhaseⅠ)
摘要 河流作为城市空间格局和生态系统的重要组成部分,对城市生态环境和市民休闲游憩起着重要的作用。以六盘水市水城河景观改造一期项目为个案,从河道的区位环境等方面入手,分析其景观特点及景观改造的原则,重点关注其对原有沿岸景观的发现、保护和生态改造。尤其是将新景观融入河道周围环境的方法,在营造良好视觉和空间体验的同时,使改造设计具有本土性、地域性和场所性,其场地特点和地域生态得到重新的诠释和展现,使河道景观得到延续并产生综合生态效益。 Rivers are crucia limplements of shaping the space of city and maintaining ecological balance. Now the‘urban river’still plays an important role in improving urban ecological environment and providing recreational space for local residents. This research is based on a case study of a riverine landscape design and planning in Shuicheng (Phase I) and mainly focus on the process of searching, conserving and rejuvenating the original riverside ecosystems. The research also analyse the characteristics of the landscape and the principles of landscape renovation by investigating and observing the site. The primary design intention of this case study was to integrate the new landscape with the existing surroundings and to derive its poetics from the qualities of its natural landscape. The landscape design provides visitors an impressive virtual and spatial experience and creates a sense of aboriginality, regionalism and localization. The design also redefined the definition of site characters and local ecologies. Together, these features optimized the local ecosystems and extended its riverine landscape.
作者 许洁舲
出处 《中国园艺文摘》 2013年第5期110-113,F0002,共5页 Chinese Horticulture Abstracts
关键词 六盘水 滨河景观 生态改造 Liupanshui waterfront landscape eco-renovation
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