在不同的经济体制下居民的消费行为特征是不同的 ,伴随着经济体制改革和制度变迁 ,我国出现了通货紧缩 ,居民有效需求不足对宏观经济稳定提出了严峻挑战。本文从分析我国消费者行为特征入手 ,提出了加快制度变迁 ,治理通货紧缩的思路。
The characteristics of the consumers' behavior are different under the various economic systems.With the reformation of economic system and the evolution of institute,the deflation has become a more serious ecomomic problem in China and the decrease of the effective demand has hampered the macroeconomic development,put negative influence on the economic stability.In this paper,We analyzed the various characteristics of the consumers' behavior and put forward the proposal of resolving the deflation.
East China Economic Management