基于HTML5 WebSocket消息传送机制和Canvas画布绘图技术,设计并实现了一个天体光谱分析的协同工作平台.通过在客户端与服务器之间建立TCP连接,真正的实现了服务器端到客户端的主动消息推送,从而取代以往客户端向服务器请求的轮询机制,降低网络占用率和数据传输量.多客户端异地用户可同时在线交流,同步载入并协同讨论分析天体光谱,标记并分析相关谱线特征.其中针对绘图笔迹的传输方式做出优化,大大提高了多客户端异地同步绘图效率.
This paper designed and implemented a working and research collaboration platform to analyse astronomical spectral based on HTML5 WebSocket message pushing mechanism and Canvas drawing technology. It realized the initiative message push from the server to the client by establishing a TCP connection between the client and the server, so as to replace the old polling mechanism requesting from the client to the server, and reduced the network occupancy rate and data transmission. Users from multiple clients in different regions can communication on line at the same time, discuss and analyse the synchronously loaded celestial spectrum, mark and analyzes relevant spectral characteristics collaboratively. In addition, we made optimization to the transmission way for drawing handwrite and greatly improved the synchronization efficiency of drawing of multiple clients in different regions.
Computer Systems & Applications