Objective:To investigate the effect of the COX-2 inhibitor on MARK/ERK signal trans- duction pathway after immature seizures. Methods:3-week-old Wistar rats (n= 120) were randomly divided into three groups: pilocarpine-induced epilepsy group (EP-only group), Celecoxib treatment epilepsy group (EP-cel), and normal saline control group(Control). In each experimental group preparing tissue sections of rats were sacrificed on Day 14 and 28 respectively after the acute attack. Immunohisto- chemical methods were sued to detect the expression trend of p-ERK 1/2 and C-fos postive cells in each group, western blot was used to detect ERK 1/2,phosphorylated ERK 1/2 (p-ERK1/2) and C-los protein levels at each time point at 1 st d,4 th d,7 th d,14 th d and 28 th d the size of d after seizures. Resuits:In EP-only group, positive p-ERK 1/2 cells were eight times the size of the Control group. In EP- cel group, the number of positive cells were significantly reduced compared with EP-only group. C-fos immunoreactive cells in EP-only group were higher than in EP-cel group (65+ 10 vs 48+9). p-ERK 1/2 levels increased rapidly,which reached a peak of nearly 10 times after 1 d, EP-cel group at each time point was significantly lower than in EP-only group (P〈0.01). ERK 1/2 expression intensity was high- er than p-ERK 1/2. C-fos protein expression at each time point in EP celecoxib group was significantly lower than at the corresponding lime point in EP-only group. Conclusion: COX-2 inhibitors reversed the hippocampus abnormal plasticivy through the inhibition of the activation of MAPK/ERK signal transdue tion and its downstream signaling molecules C-fos.
Journal of Epileptology and Electroneurophysiology(China)