
经济分析中文化的表诠及其意义(上) 被引量:5

The Representation of Culture in Economic Analysis and It's Meaning
摘要 "文化"是经济分析中不可或缺的一环,但如何阐释与表达文化概念依然是一个难题。通过梳理目前经济学各领域文化维度研究的相关文献,本文分析了主流经济理论处理文化之经济后果的主要方法及其局限性,制度经济学关于文化与制度关系的逻辑阐释,新经济史对于历史背景下文化现象的关注以及博弈论视角下的文化理解。我们认为文化存在于人际间的交往行为中,通过制度过程发挥作用并对经济事实产生影响。经济学关于文化的表诠,指向一种结合经济史的丰富资料,基于真实世界中的个人交往行为,在文化场景中描绘社会经济运行脉络的制度分析。 Culture is indispensable in economic analysis. But how to represent culture in economics is still a problem. This paper gives an overview of the articles about cultural study in economic analysis, including how we explain the economic outcomes of culture in main - stream economics; how to analyze the relationship between culture and institutions; how to understand cultural phenomenon under historical background; and how to use game theory explain culture. We argue that culture is embodied by personal interaction behavior, and influences economic outcomes through institutional process. This representation of culture shows the economies based on thick descriptions theory.
作者 方钦
出处 《南方经济》 CSSCI 2013年第5期1-11,共11页 South China Journal of Economics
基金 国家社科一般项目("文化对经济活动的影响研究")资助 项目编号11BJL062
关键词 文化 信任 信念 制度 聚点 Culture Trust Belief Institution Focal Point.
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