
不同土壤环境对地枫皮幼苗生长和生物量分配的影响 被引量:11

Effect of Different Soil Conditions on the Growth and Biomass Allocation of Illicium difengpi K. I. B. et K. I. M Seedlings
摘要 比较研究了4种土壤环境(养分含量高低依次为:石灰土﹥混合土﹥园土﹥火烧土)对地枫皮种子苗生长和生物量分配的影响。结果表明:不同土壤环境显著影响地枫皮幼苗的生长与成活率,随着土壤养分含量的增高,地枫皮幼苗的株高、基径和冠宽均显著增大,植株不同部位的干鲜重也均显著增大,地下根系更加粗壮发达。地枫皮幼苗可以通过调节生物量分配来适应养分环境的变化,养分水平低时,分配更多的生物量到根,根生物量比和根/冠比增大,养分水平高时,分配更多的生物量到叶,叶生物量比增加。石灰土栽培地枫皮幼苗能获得最好的生长和较高的成活率,火烧土栽培地枫皮幼苗的成活率最高,由于使用石灰土成本较高,建议采用灰分高的火烧土培育地枫皮幼苗。 The seedlings of Illicium difengpi were planted in four soil conditions ( soil nutrient availability sequence was lime soil,mixed soil,garden soil and fire soil). Then the effect of the soil conditions on the growth and biomass allocation of seedlings were investigated. The results showed that the growth and survival ratio of seedlings were af- fected significantly by soil nutrient. With the increase of nutrient content, the seedling height, basal diameter, crown width, and the fresh and dry weight of different plant parts increased significantly. Moreover, seedling developed stronger roots. Illicium difengpi could grow and develop in lime soil, mixed soil, garden soil and fire soil, and respond to heterogeneity soil nutrient availability by adjusting biomass partitioning to various organs. Under the low soil nutri- ent level,Illicium difengpi allocated more biomass to root, and its root mass ratio and root mass/crown mass were significantly increased. Under the high soil nutrient level, it allocated more biomass to leaf, and its leaf mass ratio was significantly increased, lllicium difengpi seedlings grew best in lime soil with higher survival ratio, and the high- est survival ratio was obtained in fire soil. We conjectured that Illicium difengpi seedlings grow better in nutrient-rich fire soil with high ash content. As a result of high cost of lime soil, we recommend that people cultivate Illicium difengpi seedlings in nutrient-rich fire soil.
出处 《作物杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期67-71,共5页 Crops
基金 广西科技攻关项目(10124008-1) 中国科学院“西部之光”人才培养计划项目[科发人教字(2009)24] 广西植物研究所基本业务费项目(桂植业11008) 桂科能项目(0992028-10) 广西植物功能物质研究与利用重点实验室主任基金项目(ZRJJ2012-10)
关键词 地枫皮 土壤环境 生物量分配 成活率 Illicium difengpi Soil conditions Biomass allocation Survival ratio
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