
纹理无关的轮胎裂纹检测算法 被引量:1

Texture-Invariant Detection Method for Tire Crack
摘要 根据从图像中提取的裂纹缺陷特征,提出一种基于线密度投影(PODOL)的轮胎裂纹缺陷检测方法.首先对轮胎图像进行线密度投影,得到它们的PODOL一阶导数绝对值曲线;然后提取裂纹图像的特征曲线,以这些特征曲线作为标准判定轮胎是否含有裂纹.实验结果表明,文中提出的特征曲线检测标准不受图像纹理的影响,可以高效地检测轮胎裂纹缺陷;且该方法速度快、实现简单,已经成功用于轮胎裂纹缺陷的实时在线检测. The paper proposed a new image-based detection method for tire crack-defect according to projection of density of lines (PODOL). First, the PODOL curves are computed from the tire image and their modulus curves of first order derivative are evaluated. Then, a new feature curve is defined and extracted from the first order derivative modulus curves. It will be employed as a new criterion for detecting the crack-defects. The experimental results show that the proposed method is texture- invariant and can be applied to detect crack-defects in tire images efficiently. The proposed method has been used in real-time online tire detection.
出处 《计算机辅助设计与图形学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期809-816,共8页 Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics
基金 国家自然科学基金(60933008 61103150) 国家自然科学基金国际重大合作项目(61020106001) 教育部博士点基金(20110131130004)
关键词 线密度投影 一阶导数曲线 特征曲线 纹理无关 projection of density of lines first order derivative modulus curve feature curve texture-invariant
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