Objective: Explore different infectious diseases in a variety of central nervous system changes in cerebrospinal fluid cytology, to better reflect the value of cerebrospinal fluid cytology in the diagnosis and monitoring of clinical comparison of cerebrospinal fluid cytology and cerebrospinal fluid routine biochemical tests. Methods: Determination of 62 cases of conventional extraction of cerebrospinal fluid by of FMU - 5 cells slide away from the the favorite direct Centrifugal producer, MGG staining, read the piece, under the microscope cell sorting. The conventional biochemical doing: quanti- tative determination of glucose, chloride, protein. Results: Different central nervous system infection, the cerebrospinal fluid cytology has its own characteristics. Their cerebrospinal fluid routine inspection anomaly percentage is far lower than the cerebrospinal fluid cytology abnormal percentage. Conclusions: Cerebrospinal fluid cytology through the special col- lection methods, greatly improve the cerebrospinal fluid cell collection number can be found and cerebrospinal fluid cell morphology, the quantity and the proportion of change. The method is simple, rapid, accurate, to the central nervous system infection disease diagnosis and monitoring is of great significance.
Journal of Aerospace medicine
Cerebrospinal fluid cytology
Infectious diseases of the central n^rvous system