
量子雷达的技术体制 被引量:2

Technology System of the Quantum Radar
摘要 当前,量子信息理论正在蓬勃发展,其应用已经深入到自然科学的各个领域。量子雷达是量子信息技术在目标探测上的具体应用,可探测隐身目标,具有超强的隐蔽性和机动性。主要介绍了量子雷达的分类、原理、系统组成、特点和关键技术问题。 At present, the quantum information theory is developing vigorously, and its application has penetrated in every domain of natural sciences. The quantum radar is one kind of application of quantum technology to detect objects. The quantum radar is able to detect the stealth objects and has super strong concealment and flexibility. The classification, the principle, the composition, the feature and the key technology of the quantum radar are mainly introduced.
作者 谭宏 戴志平
出处 《现代防御技术》 北大核心 2013年第3期149-153,共5页 Modern Defence Technology
关键词 线性量子信息技术 非线性量子信息技术 量子雷达 无源量子雷达 linear quantum information technology nonlinear quantum information technology quantum radar passive quantum radar
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