
基于FFMPEG解码的音视频同步实现 被引量:7

Synchronization playing of audio and video based on FFMPEG
摘要 为实现音视频同步播放,针对音视频数据同时被采集,但编码和存储独立的情况,提出了将音频播放时钟作为同步时钟,采用时间戳技术实现历史音视频同步播放。该方法使用FFMPEG对历史音视频文件分别进行解码,将解码后计算得到的音频播放时钟作为同步时钟,控制视频播放速度同步到音频播放时钟上,保证了音视频数据流畅播放,同步无滞后,无延迟。通过实验设计,验证了提出的基于音频播放时钟的时间戳同步方法是有效的。 To synchronize the playback of audio and video, based on the situation that the audto and video are acquired at the same time, but independent of being encoded or stored, a new method of timestamp is proposed. It is that audio playback clock is used as synchronous clock and FFMPEG is used to decode the audio and video data separately. Then the audio playback clock which is computed by the decoded timestamp is used as synchronous clock. Video playback speed is controlled by audio playback clock. The method can guarantee the audio and video to play smoothly, without lag and delay. Finally the experimental results prove the timestamp synchronization method proposed is effective.
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期2087-2092,共6页 Computer Engineering and Design
关键词 音频 视频 同步 时间戳 显示时间戳(PTS) audio video synchronization timestamp presentation time stamp (PTS)
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