

Robust Second-order Sliding Mode Control Design for Vehicle Terminal Optimal Guidance Law
摘要 针对传统最优末制导律鲁棒性能较弱、对参数摄动及外扰敏感的不足,考虑系统存在滑模控制非匹配性干扰及落角约束条件,提出一种基于二阶滑模的鲁棒最优末制导律设计方案。首先介绍高阶滑模控制的基本原理,然后利用Lyapunov稳定性理论分别就线性滑模面和终端滑模面设计二阶滑模鲁棒最优末制导律。基于Lyapunov的稳定性理论证明及仿真结果均表明了该末制导方案的有效性及鲁棒性。 Considering the constraint conditions of falling angle as well as the lumped perturbations brought by non-matching disturbance in the sliding mode control, a new robust terminal optimal guidance law based on second-order sliding mode control is proposed for the problems existing in traditional optimal guidance law such as poor robustness, low sensitivity to model uncertainty and external disturbance. Firstly, the basic principle of higher-order sliding mode control is introduced. Then second-order sliding mode guidance law is designed based on Lyapunov theory for linear sliding surface and terminal sliding surface respectively. Stability theoretic proof based on Lyapunov theory and simulation results show that the proposed guidance law is effective and robust.
出处 《导弹与航天运载技术》 北大核心 2013年第3期50-54,共5页 Missiles and Space Vehicles
关键词 最优末制导律 高阶滑模控制 线性滑模 终端滑模 强鲁棒性 Optimal terminal guidance law Higher-order sliding mode control Linear sliding mode Terminal sliding mode Strong robustness
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