广西盛产多种亚热带水果、蔬菜。广西的果蔬类罐头近年来质量提高 ,在国际市场上的履约信誉逐年巩固 ,出口量增加。但仍存在管理不规范、布局不合理 ,市场调研、开拓缺乏力度等问题。对策 :加强管理和监督 ,提高产品质量 ;以名优产品为龙头发展规模经济 ;开发新品种 。
Guangxi is abundant with sub-tropical fruits and vegetables. The quality of Guangxi fruit and vegetable cans has improved and the reputation of honoring agreements in the international market has been consolidated in the past few years. As a result, the export volume increased. Yet problems, such as the irregular management, the irrational layout and the insufficiency of market survey and development, do exist. The countermeasures are:a. To strengthen the management and supervision to improve the quality of products;b. To develop the scale economy with famous and high-quality products as 'dragon's head';c. To develop new products and implement the famous-brand strategy.
Journal of GuangXi Cadres College of Economic and Management