生态消费是21世纪的新消费 ,生态旅游是旅游业可持续发展的永恒的主题。我国生态旅游经过多年的发展 ,已初具规模 ,取得较好的经济效益。然而在取得经济效益的同时 ,在发展生态旅游过程中也出现了许多非生态现象。本文试从生态旅游可持续发展的角度 ,对生态旅游的概念、非生态现象产生的原因、避免非生态现象建议等方面进行探讨。
Ecological consume has emerged in recent years and ecological tours is an everlasting topic in the sustainable development of tourism. In recent years, eco-tourism in our country has begun to take shape and achieved an obvious economic benefits, at the same time, however, some non-ecology phenomena emerged in the development of eco-tourism. This article focuses on the conception of the eco-tourism, the reason causing the non-ecology phenomena and the suggestions avoiding such phenomena from the angle of the development of eco-tourism.
Issues of Forestry Economics