目的探讨单侧完全性唇腭裂患者(UCLP)牙弓形态学特征。方法 40名UCLP男性患者作为研究样本,以普通安氏Ⅲ类患者为对照,采用模型测量方法,探讨UCLP牙弓形态学特征。结果 UCLP组尖牙、第一双尖牙区上下牙弓宽度差明显小于对照组,并且伴随生长发育UCLP组尖牙及第二双尖牙区上下牙弓宽度差明显减小。结论 UCLP患者上牙弓缩窄以尖牙及双尖牙区明显,伴随生长发育上牙弓前中段宽度受限更加明显。
Objective To analyzes the dental morphology of UCLP patients. Methods We measured the models of 40 UCLP male patients and 44 Class Ⅲ malocclusion patients.The dental characteristics between two groups were compared. Results The difference of the intel-cuspid, first premolar width between the upperarch and the lowerarch of UCLP were less than the difference of the compared group. The difference of intel-cuspid, second premolar width between the upperarch and the lowerareh of UCLP would be reduced when one was growing up, Conclusion The upper arch width of intel-cuspid, premolar will bereduced when UCLP grows up.
Journal of Modern Stomatology