
琥珀蚕的生物学特性 被引量:8

Bionomics of Antheraea assamensis
摘要 琥珀蚕(Antheraea assamensis Helfer,1837)属鳞翅目(Lepidoptera)大蚕蛾科(Saturniidae)柞蚕属(Antheraea)昆虫,利用其茧缫制的琥珀蚕丝,具有金黄色光泽,产量少,价格极其昂贵,现今只有印度从事琥珀蚕丝的研究及生产工作。本文通过野外考察,收集资源进行室内饲养,记述了各虫态的形态特征、生活史、生活习性。琥珀蚕在云南西双版纳1年发生3~4代,喜高温多湿,喜食天竺桂、香樟、假柿木姜子等多种樟科植物,以蛹越冬。成虫首次出现在3月上中旬,第3代出现在9月底10月初。室内饲养24~28℃,80%~95%条件下,卵期8~12 d,幼虫4眠5个龄期,历期24~35 d,蛹期18~30 d,成虫4~12 d。 The silk obtained from muga silkworm (Antheraea assamensis Helfer, Lepidoptera, Saturniidae) cocoons has a golden luster, low yield and is relatively expensive to produce. Research on and production of muga silk is currently only done in India. Here I describe the successful artificial rearing of A. assamensis and the morphological and biological characteristics and life habits of this species. In the Xishuangbanna area of Yunnan, the muga silkworm has three or four generations a year, overwinters as pupae, and is tolerant of high-temperature and rainfall. The leaves of some Lauraceae species, such as Cinnamomum pedunculatum, Cinnamomum camphora and Litsea monopetala are palatable to the muga silkworm. The adults first appear in early mid-March and third generation adults appear in late September or early October. Under laboratory conditions (24~28℃, RH 80%-95%) the egg stage lasts 8~12 days, the larval stage 24~35 days, the pupa stage ~30 days and adult survive for 4~12 days.
出处 《应用昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期800-806,共7页 Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology
基金 云南省科技厅基金项目(2009ZC142M) 现代农业产业技术体系建设专项(蚕桑)
关键词 琥珀蚕 生物学特性 形态学 习性 Antheraea assamensis biological characters morphology life habits
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