

The Effect of Heat Treatment Process on Orientational Crystallization and Surface Topograph of ZnO Thin Films
摘要 以二水合醋酸锌作为前躯体,单乙醇胺(MEA)作为稳定剂,乙二醇甲醚作为溶剂制备出均匀稳定的溶胶,通过浸渍-提拉法将氧化锌薄膜沉积在玻璃基底上,研究热处理工艺对薄膜结晶取向和表面形貌的影响。随着煅烧温度和煅烧时间的增加,ZnO薄膜表面逐渐致密平滑,(002)峰的强度增大,晶粒尺寸增大。实验结果表明:在500℃煅烧下煅烧两次,煅烧时间为1h制备的薄膜衍射特征峰(002)最强,颗粒最均匀,结合最致密且薄膜表面光滑平整。 Zinc oxide (ZnO) thin films were deposited glass substrates by sol-gel dip-coat- ing method. Zinc acetate (ZnAc) dehydrate is used as the starting saltmaterial source and monoethanolamine (MEA) is used as stabilizer, and the effect of heat treatment process on orientational crystallization and surface topograph of ZnO thin films is discussed. With an- nealing temperature increasing, ZnO thin surface gradually becomes density smooth, inten- sity of (002) becomes higher and crystaUite dimension becomes larger. The result indica- ted, when annealing temperature was 500 ℃, annealing time was 1 h and annealing method was twice, ZnO thin films presented the best (002)characteristic peak and surface topo- graph, at the same time ZnO particle combined presented the most dense and uniform.
出处 《沈阳理工大学学报》 CAS 2013年第3期12-16,共5页 Journal of Shenyang Ligong University
关键词 纳米ZNO薄膜 结晶取向 煅烧工艺 表面形貌 ZnO thin films orientational crystallization heat treatment process surface to-pograph
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