

Forest Tree Seedling in Liaoning Province Industry survey and Suggestions
摘要 2003年起对辽宁省林木种苗行业进行调查。通过5a多的调查研究,发现种苗虽小、发展潜力巨大,全省年均产值40多亿元;大浪淘沙,优胜劣汰,育苗户现存率大大减少,仅为5年前的29%;育苗面积和株数由2003年的2.3万hm2和30.3亿株,降到2007年的1.3万hm2和20亿株;上山造林类苗木总量在逐年减少,由2003年占当年苗木总产量的82.2%,下降到2007年的占55.9%,经济林类苗木生产数量非常平稳,在苗木总量的10%~13%左右浮动,城乡的绿化和美化类苗木数量由2003年的占6.7%上升到2007年的占31.8%;苗圃良种使用率为34%~42%,其中,以林业系统苗圃的49.28%为最高,其次为个体苗圃是39.00%,最差的是非林业系统的为17.21%,集体的苗圃为26.95%;针对调查结果,提出了抓良种选育、建设一批林木良种选育基地、培育新品种、向林农提供优良经济林品种;制定种苗发展规划、抓骨干苗圃建设、实施苗木生产、供应和使用的三定制度;建立种子贮备资金、抓种子贮备等基础设施建设以及发展特色种苗产业等的建议或措施。 From the year of 2003, we begin with the investigation of the status of forest seedling supply in Liaoning Province. According to the investigations and studies of five years, current nursery operators significantly declined to 29 percent of nursery while the culture of seedling area and amounts fell from 23000 hectares of the 3.03 billion in 2003 to 2007's 13000 hectares and 2 billion Strain. In addition to that, the total amounts of uphill refor estation seedlings category dropped year by year, accounting for 82.2% of the total seedlings, decreased to 55.9% of the to- tal in 2007. The production of economic forest of nursery stock remained steady with the amounts of seedlingsl flutuating around 10 to 13 percent. Meanwhile, the seedlings of categories for vires- cene and beautification of urban and rural in 2003, accounting for 6.7 percent, rose to 31.8 per- cent of the total in 2007 while nursery improved utilization rate ranged from 34 to 42 percent. A- mong the nurseries, the forestry sector nursery stayed biggest with a maximum of 49.28 percent, which was followed by individual nursery accounting for 39.00 percent, then the worst non-forest- ry systems and collective nursery accounted for 17.21 percent, and 26.95 percent respectively. Aceoding to the results from investigation, superior seeds selectively bred was used for the con- struction a group of tree breeding base combing with the development of new varieties which pro- vided the farmers with good economic forest species. In the other hand, some regulations were established including seed development planning, building of key nursery, the seedling produc- tion, supply and use of the system of determining three things. Finally, establishment of seed re- serve funds, seed storage and other infrastructure construction and development characteristics comprised of the seed industry Proposals or measures.
出处 《中国林副特产》 2013年第3期95-99,共5页 Forest By-product and Speciality in China
关键词 林木种苗 产业现状 问题 建议 Forest seedling Industrial structure Issues Suggestions
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