

Eritrean wind resources and power needs with appropriate wind turbines
摘要 分析了厄立特利亚东部红海低地、中部山区高原和西部低地三个地区的风能资源.采用当地的全年风速数据比较了各个地区的风能潜力.根据目前和未来若干年的用电状况预测了各地区的电力需求.也对厄立特里亚政府的风能鼓励政策和与文化背景有关风险提示作了介绍.研究表明,在厄立特里亚东南部地区存在可观的风能资源并且当地也具有电力需求.估计年发电量在2GWh,相当于全年满负荷运行2 500h,当地可以安装大量风力机组,全部发电量将超出厄立特里亚全国在可预见的将来的用电量.风速8m.s-1的低速机组是最适合该地区的风电机组. In this paper, wind resources in Eritrea are analyzed in three regions as the east lowland close to Red Sea, the central high land of mountains and the west lowland. Local annual records of wind speeds are used to compare wind energy potentials. Regional power needs are also predicted for its present status and near-future. Eritrean government encouraging policies are introduced together with some possible risks of different cultural backgrounds. Study results show that there exist definite valuable wind resources and local power needs in the southeastern region of Eritrea. Estimated annual wind power production per turbine can reach 2 GWh for an equivalent of 2 500 h of full load per year, in which the ample land can accommodate a numerous turbines to offer more power than the entire country could absorb in the foreseeable future. Technologies of low speed wind turbine for wind speed of 8 m ·s-1 is appropriate for this region.
出处 《能源研究与信息》 2013年第1期21-27,36,共8页 Energy Research and Information
基金 Chinese Scholarship Council(CSC)for providing financial support
关键词 风能资源 电力需求 风力机组 厄立特里亚 wind resources power needs wind turbine Eritrea
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