Classifiers in Chinese have undergone a complicated evolution since ancient times. By searching the main Chinese corpus, the author found that there are' seven classifiers which had or have been used to enumerate the noun Fish in Chinese-Ge, Mei, Tou, Wei, Tiao, Shou and Fan. From the perspective of diachronic analysis, this paper in- vestigated the correlations between this group of classifiers and the noun Fish. It analyzed when the correlations oc- curred, how they evolved and why the present correlations formed. Through the research, the author found two trends of the evolution of the classifiers of Fish-Firstly, the noun Fish didn't correlate with any classifier at the very begin- ning, and then it was paired with general classifiers Mei, Tou and Ge, and at last it had its specified classifiers Wei and Tiao. Secondly, the trend in the correlations with the noun Fish was changed from the general classifiers to shaped classifiers.
Journal of Hebei Normal University of Science & Technology(Social Sciences)
Chinese classifiers
the classifiers of fish
the evolution of classifiers
diachronic analysis