
语域理论在英语专业听力教学中的应用 被引量:2

Application of Register Theory in the Teaching English Majors Listening
摘要 听力是英语专业学习者需要具备的基本技能之一,而听力教学也是英语专业教学中的重点和难点。语域是系统功能语言学理论中的一个重要概念,将语域理论应用于英语专业听力教学是有益的尝试。文章以语域理论框架为基础,论述语域与情景语境以及与听力语篇之间的关系,并结合教学实践分析语域预测功能在听力语篇中的实际运用,总结语域理论对英语专业听力教学的启示,以期对英语专业听力教学有一定的借鉴作用。 Listening is one of the basic skills that English majors must have,and it's also an important but difficult aspect in English teaching. register is an important concept in systemic functional linguistics, and it's a great attempt to apply register theory in teaching English majors listening. Based on the framework of register theory, this paper analyses the application of the prediction function of register in the listening text for English majors. It is hoped that implications can be concluded for both teachers and students to improve their teaching and learning in listening.
作者 李恩耀
出处 《教育与教学研究》 2013年第6期98-100,129,共4页 Education and Teaching Research
关键词 语域 情景语境 听力语篇 英语专业听力教学 register situational context listening text teaching of listening for English majors
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