
初产妇中医体质类型对母乳喂养的影响 被引量:3

Effect of TCM Constitution Type on Breast Feeding in Primipara
摘要 [目的】将中医体质辨识应用于初产妇,了解不同的中医体质类型对母乳喂养的影响。【方法】通过对两医院分娩的253名初产妇应用《中医体质调查量表》进行体质调查,以明确初产妇体质类型。对各类型产妇4个月内的母乳喂养情况进行随访调查。【结果】九种不同的中医体质类型的母乳喂养有明显差异,随着产褥进程母乳喂养逐渐减少,4个月最为显著;平和质的产妇母乳喂养率最高,能适应怀孕、分娩、产褥的整个过程。【结论】对初产妇进行中医体质分类后可通过中医中药干预,对初产妇的母乳喂养具有积极的意义。 [Objective] To understand the effect of different traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) constitution types on breast feeding in primipara through TCM constitution identification applied in primipara. [Methods]TCM constitution questionnaire was used for the survey on the constitution of 253 primiparas delivered in our hospitals. Constitution types of primiparas were identified. Breast feeding of different types of primiparas within 4 months were followed up. [Results]There was significant difference in breast feeding among nine TCM constitution types. Breast feeding gradually decreased with the progression of childbed, and decreased more significantly at 4 months. Mild constitution in primiparas had the highest rate of breastfeeding and was suitable for the entire course of pregnancy, labor and childbed. [Conclusion]After the TCM constitution of primipara is classified, TCM intervention is of active significance in breast feeding of primipara.
出处 《医学临床研究》 CAS 2013年第5期949-950,953,共3页 Journal of Clinical Research
基金 2012年深圳市科技计划项目(医疗卫生类)(项目编号:201203156)
关键词 母乳喂养 Breast Feeding
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