

How to Realize Quantum Information Transfer by Multisteps
摘要 两游戏参与者Alice和Bob在进行二人零和量子硬币博弈时,游戏者之一Bob可以通过对盒子里的硬币采取量子策略的操作,干扰博弈的公平性结果,进而控制整个游戏的胜负。以此理论为基础,在量子链的格点处排布上合适初态的量子硬币,通过相应量子硬币"摇动"操作,分几步让量子链一端的信息传递到另一端,从而利用量子博弈理论为任意态量子信息的传输提供了一套全新的分步式方案,并且由于量子博弈不受经典操作的影响,所以在本方案信息传输的过程中大为降低了经典行为的干扰。 Two game players, Alice and Bob, play the two player zero - sum game of quantum coins. If one of them, eg. Bob, takes quantum strategies, he could disturb the fair results of the game, and furthermore, control the whole game. Based on these, atribute quantum coins with appropriate original states on the spin chain, and pass the information through the chain by the multisteps. Then,it is given to use the theory of quantum game to get a new idea of quantum information transfer of arhitrary states. Comparing with old ways ,this new transfer is immune to the classical disturbance, and can be more precisely controlled. So the quantum information can be perfectly transfeted
作者 任恒峰
机构地区 忻州师范学院
出处 《忻州师范学院学报》 2013年第2期6-8,共3页 Journal of Xinzhou Teachers University
基金 山西省科技厅基金项目(2010021003-5)
关键词 博弈论 量子博弈 量子信息传输 game theory quantum game trandfer of quantum information
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