Based on the practical pedagogical experience of many experimental classes, it presents a new improved method adopting the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technique to assay the quality of ethyl acetoacetate in its synthesis. Traditional methods commonly adopted in class teaching each have their drawbacks. The method involving the measurement of boiling point suffers at an unimanous reduced pres- sure for different vaccum systems,while other chemical methods are unable to quantify the content of the enol form in the ethyl acetoacetate product. The NMR method was proposed in this paper which could quantify the content of the enol form of ethyl acetoacetate, enabling students to have a direct observance of the solvent influence on the content of the enol form. Moreover, the new simplified NMR methods could not consume deuterated solvents,which could reduce the cost of the experiment and enhances the peda- gogical effects of the class.
Journal of Bengbu University