观察低分子量肝素在血液透析中的抗凝效果 ,比较与普通肝素在护理方面的不同处理。对 2 6例维持血液透析患者分别用速避凝 (n =10 )和普通肝素 (n =16)进行抗凝 ,分别测定透析前、透析 2h和透析 4h的APTT ,并观察透析器凝血情况和透析后穿刺部位压迫时间及两者的出血并发症的发生率。结果表明 ,普通肝素组透析 2h、4hAPTT明显延长 ,出血发生率高 ,穿刺点压迫时间明显长于低分子量肝素组 ,低分子量肝素组APTT无明显变化 ,未发现出血和透析器凝血等并发症。在血液透析中应用低分子量肝素较普通肝素安全、稳定 ,抗凝效果好 ,出血的并发症少 ,较普通肝素有很大优越性。
To observe the anticoagulation effect of low molecular weight heparin on hemodialysis and to study its related nursing aspect.Method:APTT of 26 patients evaluated before and during hemodialysis,complications and coagulation of dialyzer of standard heparin and low molecular weight heparin were observed.Result:APTT was prolonged in the patients with standard heparin and more hemorrage complications were observed.No hemorrage was found in low molecular weight heparin group.Conclusion:Low molecular weight heparin has good and safe anticoagulation effect than standard heparin in hemodialysis.
Journal of Practical Nursing