
高校科研人员科学数据获取意愿研究 被引量:18

Intention to Acquire Scientific Data of College Scientific Researchers
摘要 科学数据获取是科学数据管理和共享的一个重要维度。本文通过问卷调查方法研究科研人员对科学数据的获取意愿,研究结果发现感知有用、知识增长和信任是形成科学数据获取信念的重要维度,信念通过态度影响科研人员获取科学数据的意愿,仅对意愿有间接性影响,主观规范对科研人员获取科学数据的意愿有直接显著性影响。 The acquirement of scientific data is an important dimension of data curation and sharing. A questionnaire survey was employed to explore scientific researchers' intention to acquire the scientific data. The results suggest that researchers' intention to acquire scientific data is directly affected by their belief with perceived usefulness, knowledge growth and trust as its main dimensions, through attitude, while belief only has an indirect effect on intention Andsubjective norm has a direct significant effect on the intention.
作者 张晋朝
出处 《情报杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期70-75,106,共7页 Journal of Intelligence
关键词 科学数据数据获取数据共享信念 实证研究 scientific data data-acquiring data sharing belief empirical research
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