为了对抗除草剂基因 (BAR)转基因水稻进行安全性评价 ,对该样品进行了急性毒性试验、致突变试验及 30天喂养试验。结果大、小鼠经口 L D5 0 >2 1.5 g/ kg BW,无致突变作用 ,30天喂养试验 16、32、6 4g/kg BW各剂量组大鼠生长发育、体重、食物利用率、血常规、脏体比及病理组织学观察等指标与阴性对照组比差异均无显著性 ,无作用剂量为 6 4g/ kg BW。提示抗除草剂基因 (BAR)转基因水稻食用是安全的。
In order to evaluate the safety of anti herbicide gene(BAR) transgenic rice, acute toxicity experiments, mutation experiments and a 30 day feeding test were conducted. The results were as follows:The oral LD 50 for mice and rats was larger than 21 5 g/kg BW and no mutation was found. The rats consuming 16,32 and 64 g/kg BW were in good growth and development at the 30 day feeding test. The body weight, food utilization, routine blood tests, the ratio of organ weight to body weight, and patho histological observations had no obvious change. The none effect dosage for the transgene rice was 64 g/kg.
Journal of Hygiene Research