
^18氟-氟代脱氧葡萄糖PET/CT显像与传统影像探测乳腺癌治疗后复发与转移的临床价值 被引量:2

The compared study in detecting the recurrence and metastases of breast cancer patients post treatment between 18^F-FDG PET/CT and conventional workup
摘要 目的探讨^18氟-氟代脱氧葡萄糖(^18F—FDG)PET/CT全身显像在乳腺癌治疗后探测复发与远处转移的临床价值。方法回顾性分析中山大学肿瘤防治中心2011年1至8月期间70例乳腺癌患者的FDGPET/CT资料,比较同期传统影像学检查结果,计算FDGPET/CT显像与传统影像两组评估乳腺癌治疗后复发与转移的准确性、特异性、灵敏性、阳性预测值(PPV)与阴性预测值(NPV)。结果FDGPET/CT显像与传统影像对乳腺癌治疗后复发与转移评估的准确性、敏感性、特异性、PPV与NPV分别为84.3%、95.6%、64.0%、82.7%和88.9%,传统影像分别为70.0%、68.9%、72.0%、81.6%和56.3%。FDGPET/CT显像发现了3例第二原发肿瘤,FDGPET/CT显像改变了20%患者的治疗方案。结论与传统影像比较,FDGPET/CT可以更准确地评估乳腺癌治疗后复发与远处转移。 Objective This study is to investigate the clinical role of ^18F-FDG PET/CT in detecting the recurrence and metastases of patients with breast cancer post treatment, compared to the conventional imaging technology, such as CT, MRI, and ultrasound. Methods The reports of FDG PET/CT whole body scans and conventional imaging technology, such as CT, MRI, and ultrasound, performed from Jan to Aug 2011 on 70 patients with breast cancer post treatment were retrospectively reviewed. The accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of 2 groups in detecting the recurrence and metastases were calculated and compared. Results The accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV of FDG PET/CT were 84. 3%, 95.6%, 64. 0%, 82. 7% and 88.9%. The conventional imaging technology was 70. 0% , 68.9% , 72.0% , 81.6% and 56. 3% respectively. FDG PET/CT had altered the medical management of 20% of patients and detected 3 second primary malignancies. Conclusion FDG PET/CT is superior to conventional imaging in detecting the recurrence and metastases of patients with breast cancer post therapy.
出处 《中华医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第19期1446-1449,共4页 National Medical Journal of China
关键词 乳腺肿瘤 正电子发射断层显像术 复发 肿瘤转移 Breast neoplasms Positron-emission tomography Recurrence Neoplasm metastasis
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