
独立成分分析观察不同性别正常人静息态听觉网络差异 被引量:1

Independent components analysis of the auditory cortex in different genders
摘要 目的:应用独立成分分析方法观察正常人不同性别间静息态听觉网络的差异。方法:将40名健康受试者按照性别分为两组,采用独立成分分析方法提取每组受试者的静息态听觉网络,并进一步进行两组间分析。结果:两组受试者的静息态听觉网络包括双侧颞叶、岛叶及扣带回,不同性别之间静息态听觉网络的差异脑区主要包括左侧额中下回、左侧海马区及右侧颞上回。结论:独立成分分析法可满意观察静息态听觉皮层网络,正常人不同性别之间听觉网络差异可能与不同性别对周围环境的感知差异相关。 Objective: Using independent components analysis to observe the gender-related difference between male and female auditory functional network.Methods: 40 healthy subjects were divided into two groups depending on their gender,independent components analysis was used to extract the resting-state auditory network of each group,then statistical analysis between groups was performed. Results: The resting-state auditory network of each group contained bilateral temporal lobe,insula and cingulate gyrus,the different brain areas between groups were found in left medial/inferior frontal gyrus,left hippocampus and right superior temporal gyrus. Conclusion: Resting-state auditory functional network can be satisfactorily acquired using independent components analysis,the difference of auditory network may correlated with the perception difference of environment between genders.
出处 《东南大学学报(医学版)》 CAS 2013年第3期279-283,共5页 Journal of Southeast University(Medical Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(30970808) 东南大学SRTP(T12411008)
关键词 听觉皮层 功能磁共振 独立成分分析 性别 正常人 auditory cortex functional MR independent components analysis gender healthy subjects
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