目的 探讨MRI在颈段脊柱创伤中的应用价值。材料与方法 3 0例颈椎外伤患者行MRI检查。所有患者均行X线检查 ,其中 6例行CT检查。结果 3 0例中伤及颈5~ 7占 80 %。根据MRI表现将颈段脊柱外伤分为 5类 :单纯压缩性骨折 ;泪滴性骨折 ;爆裂性骨折 ;骨折脱位 ;无骨折脱位。全部病例MRI均清楚显示伴有脊髓信号的异常 ,2例可见脊髓断裂。结论 MRI可以对颈椎损伤形态及脊髓、韧带、间盘等软组织损伤作出准确的评价 。
Objective To evaluate the clinical application of MRI in the cervical trauma.Materials and Methods MR scanning and conventional X ray were performed in 30 patients with cervical trauma. Additional CT scan was made in 6 cases.Results C 5~7 vertebrae injury occurred in 80% of 30 cases. According to MRI findings, cervical trauma could be divided into 5 types: simple compress fracture, teardrop fracture, burst fracture, fracture with dislocation, and dislocation without fracture. MRI well demonstrated the abnormal signal of the spinal cord. Spinal fragmentation was seen in 2 cases.Conclusion MRI can make a precise assessment of the damage of cervical spinal cord, ligament and disk. It is very helpful for the management of cervical trauma.
Journal of Clinical Radiology