
喉咽反流性疾病56例临床分析 被引量:2

Hypopharyngeal reflux disease in primary hospital clinical research.
摘要 目的探讨基层医院喉咽反流性疾病的I临床特点及治疗策略。方法对2010年1月-2012年1月在我科门诊就诊的顽固性咽喉炎患者的临床资料进行分析,根据病史及喉镜检查结果对其进行RSI及RFS评估,将RSI〉13分、RFS〉7分定为疑似诊断病例,并给予短期质子泵抑制剂试验性治疗。结果56例疑似诊断病例,25例症状消失,19例症状好转,总有效率78.5%。结论基层医院缺乏喉咽反流性疾病的诊断设备,可以将RSI及RFS量表评估作为初步的诊断依据并进行质子泵抑制剂试验性治疗,疗效显著。 Objective To explore the diagnosis and treatment strategies of laryngopharyngeal reflux disease in primary hospital. Methods Clinic data of patients with intractable pharyngitis were analyzed from January 2010 to January 2012. According to symptoms and laryngoscope results, RSI and RFS were obtained. The patients, whose RSI 〉 13 and RFS 〉 7, were diagnosed as suspected LPRD patients and received short-term empirical treatment by using proton pump inhibitors. Results After therapy of using proton pump inhibitors, among 56 suspected patients with LPRD, 25 patients' symptoms relived significantly, and 19 patients' symptoms alleviated. Total effeetive rate is 78.5%. Conclusion As there is lack of adequate equipment to diagnose LPRD definitely in most primary hospitals, awareness of this disease is relatively limited. The effects of empirical treatment by using short-term proton pump inhibitor were apparent in patients with intractable pharyngitis, and the successful experience should be worth to apply widely.
作者 张学东
出处 《四川医学》 CAS 2013年第4期559-560,共2页 Sichuan Medical Journal
关键词 基层医院 喉咽反流性疾病 质子泵抑制剂 primary hospitals laryngopharynx reflux disease proton pump inhibitors
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