India imposed trade control and embargoes on China' s Tibet Region twice between 1950 and 1962. Although the different origins of its policies, the goal of India' s implementation of such embargo revealed the clear and cohesive essence of Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru' s China policy. As long as the Sino-Indian relations encountered the great questions and/or crises, Nehru and his government always exploited the Tibet' s dependence on the supplies of food and other life necessities which had to be exported from India. By all these measures, Nehru attempted to secure concessions from Beijing on the major issues of Tibet and the border dis- pute. China reacted totally different to India' s embargoes retrospectively. In contrast with its moderate response to the first trade control and embargo, China took strong policies to counter India' s total embargo against Tibet af- ter 1959 rebellion. The changes in China' s reactions not only illustrate the features of Sino-Indian relationship and the dramatic shifts in Beijing' s diplomatic strategy, but explain the development of the asymmetrical political and economic relations between China and India in this period.
CPC History Studies