

Improving microbial safety and quality of fresh-cut cucumbers by hot water treatments just before eating
摘要 探讨食前热水处理能否有效杀灭鲜切黄瓜表面的单增李斯特菌和鼠伤寒沙门氏菌这两种食源性致病菌,同时又保持其新鲜度。实验首先根据热水处理后鲜切黄瓜的感官品质,筛选了其耐热条件,进一步研究了热处理对水中和鲜切黄瓜表面食源性致病菌降低的效果。结果表明,经60℃ 5min热水处理,鲜切黄瓜上的鼠伤寒沙门氏菌、单增李斯特菌数量从高起始染菌浓度5.42、5.16log CFU/g,降低到检测线(0.6log CFU/g)以下,鲜切黄瓜的抗氧化值降低、细胞膜透性有所提高,但其测定硬度变化不大,感官上仍鲜脆,仍具有较好食用价值。 This paper aimed to study the effect of hot water treatment for killing foodborne pathogens on fresh- cut cucumber while maintaining its freshness. Based on the sensory quality of fresh-cut cucumber after hot water treatment,selected hot water treatment conditions,and further studies of hot water treatment in reducing foodborne pathogens in water and on surface of fresh-cut cucumber were carried out. The results showed that:the high initial concentration numbers of 5.42 and 5.161og CFU/g for Salmonella Typhimurium and Listeria monocytogenes respectively on fresh-cut cucumbers treated by 60~C 5rain heat treatment,were reduced to under detection line,although fresh-cut cucumber antioxidant value reduced and cell membrane permeability increased, but the measured hardness did not change, maintaining fresh sensory and good eating value.
出处 《食品工业科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第12期49-53,共5页 Science and Technology of Food Industry
关键词 鲜切黄瓜 食用前 热水处理 食源性致病菌 品质 fresh-cut cucumbers before eating hot water treatment foodborne pathogens quality
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