
考虑风电外送的省级系统调峰分析模型 被引量:34

A Model to Analyze Peak Load Regulation of Provincial Power System Considering Sending-out of Wind Power
摘要 风电的间歇性和反调峰性使得风电富集省面临系统调峰和能源消纳的问题,建设大功率外送通道是解决能源消纳问题有效的途径。应对外送通道建设后对系统调峰及风能消纳的影响,建立了考虑风电外送的省级系统调峰分析模型。计及风电的出力预测,将风电出力看作负的负荷,与原始负荷形成等效负荷,考虑水电机组的削峰作用和外送通道的辅助调峰作用,提出了全省常规机组的出力安排模型,并以此为基础进行调峰分析。以我国某风电大省为算例进行了模拟分析,结果表明外送通道的建设减少了系统弃风,扩大了风电的消纳范围,且促进了送端与受端的调峰互补,是风电基地持续、健康发展的根本出路。 The intermittence and peak load counter- regulation effect of wind power make the provincial power grids located in the provinces rich in wind resource having to be forced with the problems of peak load regulation and accommodation of massive wind power, and to solve the problem of accommodating massive wind power it is effective to construct high-capacity transmission line to send out wind power. To cope with the effects of post-construction of transmission line to send out wind power on system peak load regulation and accommodation of wind power, a model to analyze peak load regulation of provincial power system considering sending-out of wind power, in which the sending-out of wind power is considered, is built. Taking the prediction of wind power output into account and based on original load, a new equivalent load, in which the wind power output is regarded as negative load, is formed; then considering the peak load shifting effect of hydropower generating units and the auxiliary load regulation effect of transmission line sending power out, a model to arrange output of regular power units in the whole provincial power grid is established, and on this basis the peak load regulation of the provincial power grid is analyzed. Taking a provincial power grid in China that is rich in wind energy source as example, the simulation analysis is performed, and simulation results show that the construction of transmission line to send out wind power can reduced the abandoned wind energy and the ability of accommodating wind power is enhanced, in addition, the peak load regulation at both sending end and receiving end can be complementary, thus it is proved that the proposed suggestion is favorable to the sustainable development of wind power base.
出处 《电网技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期1578-1583,共6页 Power System Technology
基金 国家863高技术基金项目(2011AA05A103)~~
关键词 风电消纳 调峰 外送通道 水电削峰 风电预测 accommodating wind power peak loadregulation transmission line sending power out peak clippingwith hydroelectric unit wind power prediction
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