随机抽取陕西甘泉县 1 48头黄牛进行毛色分析 ,结果表明 :其毛色遗传受 9个位点的等位基因支配 ,基本毛色以黄色为主 ,红色和草白色次之 ,黑色、沙毛、黑背线及眼圈浅色在群体中以极低的频率出现。确认该地域黄牛在毛色上具有蒙古牛和秦川牛的一些共同特征。
Hair color analysis of 148 yellow cattle randomly sampled from Ganquan county in northern Shaanxi province showed that inheritance of hair color controlled by 9 alleles with the yellow as the basic color, the red and pale white as the next, cattle with black, gray, black back line, or light eye ring in the population occurred at the extremely low frequency, which indicated that the hair color of yellow cattle in this region demonstrated the common characters with Mongolian cattle and Qinchuan cattle \;
Journal of Yellow Cattle Science