
地下连续墙泥浆槽壁稳定性评价的水平条分法 被引量:16

Horizontal slice method for stability of slurry trench
摘要 考虑土体分层性质,假定开挖槽段附近各土层厚度分布均匀且土层分界面垂直于槽面,以经典二维楔形滑块体模型为研究对象,提出了地下连续墙泥浆护壁稳定性评价的水平条分法,建立了满足条块力平衡的3M方程评价模型和同时满足力平衡和力矩平衡的4M方程评价模型,提出了求解方法,并验证了3M方程模型的有效性和条分法提出的必要性。将3M评价模型应用于武汉市某超深基坑成槽开挖坍塌的槽段稳定性分析,总结了临界角度和安全系数随地下水位、地表超载、泥浆高差、及泥浆重度的变化规律。最后用定义的水平条间力与竖向条间力的比值讨论了不同参数取值下水平条间力的变化规律。 A horizontal slice method is presented to validly analyze the stability of slurry trench with the consideration of the soil anisotropy and the assumption of the soil boundary perpendicular to the trench face. The typical two-dimensional failure model is investigated, in which the wedge block is divided into slices. From the force equilibrium of each slice as well as its force and moment equilibrium, the models for 3M and 4M equations are established respectively. The model for 3M equations is verified to be accurate, reliable and necessary. Finally, an example is provided to illustrate the variations of the factor of safety and the critical failure plane angle with the length of the groundwater table, surcharge loading, slurry height and slurry unit weight. The ratio of horizontal slice force to vertical slice force is defined to investigate the development of the horizontal slice force.
出处 《岩土工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期1128-1133,共6页 Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering
关键词 泥浆护壁 水平条分法 安全系数 临界角度 条间力 slurry-supported trench horizontal slice method factor of safety critical angle slice force
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