采用动态经济指标研究了富阳、临海新无性系短轮伐期工业用材林的经济效益 ,结果表明 :二个试验林的税后年均利润现值都不太高 ( 962 .4 2~ 2 4 80 .79元 /hm2 ) ,但是 IRR却都很高 ( 48.1 %~ 1 3 0 .0 %) ,利润率和效益成本比与 IRR基本一致 ;无性系和造林密度是影响经济的主要因素 ,选用优良无性系、确定合适的密度是获得更高经济效益的基础 ;产品价格是影响效益的最敏感因素 ,其次是劳动力价格和原材料价格。
Economic efficiency of short-rotation industrial timber forest of new clones in Fuyang and Linhai was studied with dynamic economic index The results indicated that annual profit of two experimental forests, were not high (962 42~2480 79 RMB Yuan/hm 2), but IRR was very high(48 1% ~130 0%) The profit rate and ratio of efficiency to cost were unanimous basically Because clones and the density of forest were main factors affecting economy, selecting excellent clones and defining appropriate density were the base of higher economic efficiency Price of products was the most sensitive factor of the efficiency, prices of labors and materials were the second rational investment could greatly lower the risk of the management of short rotation industrial timber forest
Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology