

Benchmark Verification of DRAGON for Neutrino Experiment
摘要 反应堆中微子实验中需计算输出235 U、238 U、239 Pu、241 Pu在不同燃耗下的裂变份额,而通常的组件计算程序不输出这些结果。为适应反应堆中微子实验的需求,本文用Takahama-3基准对DRAGON用于压水堆燃耗进行基准验证,给出了反应堆中微子实验中关心的4种核素质量密度实验值与计算值的平均偏差,并利用计算出的裂变份额以及每次裂变释放的能量等,给出了NT3G24组件的反应堆中微子能谱,从而验证了DRAGON应用于反应堆中微子实验的可行性。 Fission fraction of the 235U,238U,239Pu,and 241Pu of the reactor is needed for the reactor neutrino experiment,but the general lattice calculation programs do not have the function to output the fission fraction.In order to meet the requirement of reactor neutrino experiment,the verification of the DRAGON using in the PWR was performed based on Takahama-3 benchmark.The average deviation of calculation and experimental mass ratio of the four nuclides that be concerned in the reactor neutrino experiment was given.And according to the calculation value of fission fraction and fission energy,the neutrino energy spectrum of NT3G24 assembly in the Takahama-3 reactor was also given.It demonstrates that the feasibility of the DRAGON is used in the reactor neutrino experiment.
出处 《原子能科学技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第B06期83-87,共5页 Atomic Energy Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(11175201) 新世纪优秀人才支持计划资助项目(NCET-11-0631) 中央高校基本科研业务经费资助项目(12MS63)
关键词 中微子 DRAGON Takahama-3 燃耗 neutrino DRAGON Takahama-3 burnup
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