

Inertial/celestial-based method for satellite attitude determination
摘要 基于双星敏感器与陀螺仪组成的星光惯性组合,提出了一种卫星姿态确定方法。双星敏感器分别与陀螺仪采用模糊自适应的无迹Kalman滤波方法进行子系统级的姿态估计,而后采用协方差交集算法框架进行系统级数据融合,从而完成卫星姿态的确定。对典型的卫星大角度快速机动扫描过程以及卫星三轴稳定运动过程的数值仿真,验证了该方法具备实用性与有效性。 An attitude determination method is developed for satellites using an attitude measurement unit comprised of two star trackers and one gyroscope. Each star tracker and the common gyroscope separately form a fuzzy adaptive unscented Kalman filter for attitude estimation in the subsystem level. A covarianee intersection algorithm is then used for data fusion in the system level to achieve the satellite attitude determination. Simulations for the rapid wide-angle scanning case and the three-axis attitude stabilized case demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of this approach.
出处 《清华大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期300-306,共7页 Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology)
基金 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目
关键词 姿态确定 星敏感器 陀螺仪 模糊自适应控制 无迹Kalman滤波 协方差交集算法 attitude determination star tracker gyroscope fuzzy adaptive control unscented Kalman filter covariance intersection algorithm
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