
使用缸压信息的柴油机低温燃烧闭环控制 被引量:9

Closed-loop control of low temperature combustion in diesel engines with cylinder pressure information
摘要 在柴油机上采用低温燃烧技术,可以获得比传统压燃方式更低的氮氧化物和颗粒物排放。为了解决柴油机低温燃烧不稳定和各缸均匀性差的问题,基于缸压信息,构建了双控制单元的分布式控制系统,设计了平均指示压力(indicated mean effective pressure,IMEP)和50%放热曲轴位置(50%of the mass fraction burned,MFB50或CA50)双闭环的控制方法。实验结果表明:基于缸压信息反馈的燃烧闭环控制系统,在低负荷低温燃烧工况点,能够有效控制各缸的燃烧状态不均匀的状况,并大幅度改善燃烧不稳定的现象;在高负荷低温燃烧工况点,可以将各缸的CA50和IMEP控制在目标值附近。 Low temperature combustion will lower nitric oxides and particulate matter emissions more than conventional compression ignition. However, low temperature combustion results in unstable combustion and cylinder-to-cylinder variations. Thus, a distributed control system is developed with a two input-two-output control algorithm based on cylinder pressure feedback information. Experimental results show that this closed-loop combustion control system improves cylinder-to cylinder uniformity and combustion stability at low load operating conditions for low temperature combustion and controls the 50%of the mass fraction burned (MFB50 or CA50) and indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP) at their set points for high load operating conditions.
出处 《清华大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期371-377,共7页 Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology)
基金 科技部国际科技合作计划专项基金项目(2010DFA72760) 国家"八六三"高技术项目(2012AA111714 2012AA111705 2011AA11A207)
关键词 燃烧过程 低温燃烧 平均指示压力(IMEP) 50%放热曲轴位置(CA50) 缸压信息 燃烧闭环控制 combustion process low temperature combustion indicated mean effective pressure(IMEP) CA50 cylinder pressure information closed-loop combustion control
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