本文讨论了磁流体翼的数学基础 ,即二维机翼理论在磁流体翼中适用的条件。本文得到了要使二维机翼理论成立电磁场所要满足的必要条件。为了讨论这一设想的有效性 ,本文引入了零攻角平板磁流体绕流的物理模型和数值计算的数学模型 。
This paper mainly discusses the mathematical basis of MHD Foils and whether the two dimensional wing theory still will be effective. The necessary conditions that must be satisfied by the electromagnetic field when the two dimensional wing theory works were obtained. A physical model of flowing over a plane plate with a zero attack angle and a mathematical model were introduced, and some fundamental physical characteristics of MHD Foils were obtained.
Advanced Technology of Electrical Engineering and Energy