在海洋水龄谱数值模拟过程中应用并行计算技术可以显著提高运算效率。将适用于分布式存储环境的消息传递接口(Message Passing Interface,MPI)与适用于共享存储环境的开放式多处理(Open Multi-Processing,OpenMP)两种并行计算技术相结合,提出了一种适用于海洋水龄谱数值模拟的混合并行计算模型。对比了其与传统的纯MPI方式在多核心(Chip Muti-processors)集群上的运算效率,并在此基础上研究了混合模型的系统资源利用情况以进一步了解其扩展能力。实验结果表明,MPI+OpenMP混合并行水龄谱模型具有更高的运算效率,同时系统资源消耗明显低于纯MPI方式。
The application of parallel computing technology in marine water age spectrum numerical simulation process can significantly improve the computational efficiency. In this study, a hybrid parallel computing model of marine water age spectrum is established, based on the combination of Message Passing Interface (MPI) and Open Multi-Processing(OpenMP) which are, respectively, suitable for distributed storage environment and shared storage environment. The comparison of computational performance with traditional pure MPI parallel technology on multi-core(Chip Muti-processors) cluster is made and the system resource usage is also studied to learn the scalability of this hybrid parallel model. The results show that, the hybrid MPI and OpenMP parallel model features with higher computational efficiency and lower system resource consumption.
Science Technology and Engineering